Letters to the IDF

Who are we: Residents of Gush Etzion who have been working closely with the IDF for the past 25 years and are using this site to thank our soldiers for projecting us.

Letters to the IDF

Who are we: Residents of Gush Etzion who have been working closely with the IDF for the past 25 years and are using this site to thank our soldiers for projecting us.

Letters to the IDF

Who are we: Residents of Gush Etzion who have been working closely with the IDF for the past 25 years and are using this site to thank our soldiers for projecting us.

Letters to the IDF

Who are we: Residents of Gush Etzion who have been working closely with the IDF for the past 25 years and are using this site to thank our soldiers for projecting us.

About Us

We are a group of veteran immigrants from English speaking countries who appreciate what our cherished soldiers of the IDF do in defending our Homeland all year round. Through our children, friends and neighbors we have seen how a little TLC can go a long way in making our soldiers smile and feel loved. Jewish people living in the Diaspora communities share these sentiments and we have therefore developed letter2IDF to allow them to join us in saying Thank You and sending love to our chayalim.

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